Traveler's Notebook Pocket Stickers

Pocket Stickers 004 and 006
Film Pocket Stickers 023
Pocket Stickers
Film Pocket Stickers
Film Pocket Stickers
Pocket Sticker with Refill
Pocket Stickers 004 and 006
Film Pocket Stickers 023
Pocket Stickers
Film Pocket Stickers
Film Pocket Stickers
Pocket Sticker with Refill

Traveler's Notebook Pocket Stickers

from $4.50

Traveler’s Company makes a variety of different pocket stickers that attach to the inside of your leather cover (004 or 006) or to the pages of your refills (023). Use them to create places to stash loose notes, tickets, or even photographs.

  • Pocket stickers 004 and 023 are designed for use with both Standard and Passport Traveler’s Notebooks.

  • Pocket Sticker 006 is designed for use with the Standard Traveler’s Notebook, and can even be used to hold another refill.

Made in Japan.

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